Our Society has Affiliated Membership with the Royal Horticultural Society, we receive a monthly newsletter and below you can find some highlights.
May Newsletter.
Arundel has a Gardening Association and had an article in the Newsletter in May. Click the link below to see more
Hook is a town in East Yorkshire, very different gardening conditions to Horsham! It is interesting to see how other clubs enjoy their gardening.
Hook Gardening Club – Justine
You will be inspired by the story of the Wonky Garden created by a team of volunteers in Widnes, Lancashire. Young and old all seem to enjoy their gardens and allotments.
RHS Our Story – The Wonky Garden
The RHS has entered into partnership with NHS and this presentation is about the nationwide initiative following on the overwhelming evidence that gardening is good for your mental health. I spent a couple of house yesterday digging a patch of hard clay which gave my back something to think about!
RHS Communities & NHS Partnership