East Clayton Farm visit 21st May
We had a lovely evening, and 30 people came, which was a pleasant surprise being that it had been a wet day and was still drizzling.
Spring Show
Horsham Horticultural Society held its Spring show on Saturday 6th April at North Heath Hall where there were some lovely exhibits of Spring plants and flowers.
The recent weather had not been kind to us but we still had a reasonable number of daffodils. We had a good number of our members enter the classes and there were a lot of visitors in the afternoon. In addition to viewing the exhibits, our visitors were able to enjoy tea and cakes, a grand raffle, as well as plants, fruit and preserves for sale.
The Domestic classes also attracted a good number of entries; most popular were the chocolate éclairs. There were six categories in the photo competition with several entries in each section. The Reg Smith cup for the most points in the photos was won by Julia Stevenson.
This year the cup winners are:
Stanley cup best exhibit in daffodils – Paul Dalby. Irene Crackston cup best exhibit pot or bowl of bulbs – Paul Dalby. Spring floral cup for yellow primulas – Carolyn Smith . Secretarys cup for petite arrangement – Carolyn Smith. Woods Mill cup for three sprays of shrub – Sue Hammond. Domestic Trophy for most points in Domestic classes – Helen Hinvest. Butchers Trophy best exhibit handicrafts – Julia Stevenson. The Weald cup for the most points in the whole show was won by Julia Stevenson.

Inter society Quiz results
It was close in the end, but we just pipped Bolney to the post. It was a good evening and lovely refreshments provided by Southwater. We played the Joker card tactically and walked away with the cup. The team were great, and between them had a wide range of knowledge (the question categories were based on those from Trivial Pursuit).
Well done to our brilliant quiz team. Diana, Liz, Sue, Julia, Daryll and David

Inter society Quiz
Date: Wednesday 21st February 2024
Venue: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT
Please contact a member of the committee if you wish to be on the team or use Email
E-mail: flowers@horshamhorticulturalsociety.co.uk
Show Dates 2024
Spring Show. Saturday 6th April
Summer Show Saturday 10th August
Photographic Competition categories for the Spring Show
1. Through the Arch 4. A Bridge
2. Rising Sun 5. Setting Sun
3. Wheels 6. Something beginning with “H”