Show rules

Show Regulations

Every Year the Society has Spring and Summer Shows held at NORTH HEATH HALL, ST MARK’S LANE, HORSHAM, RH12 5PU . Before entering it is important to consider some rules and regulations to make sure your entries are acceptable. Here is a formal outline of what is accepted from your entry. Forget about the formality once you have absorbed the show regs, each show is an opportunity to share in a fun packed afternoon with your fellow Society Members.

Horsham Horticultural Society

SHOW REGULATIONS  (Spring & Summer Shows)

1. Entries are only open to paid-up members of the Society who have been members for at least four weeks (with the exception of the Open Classes in the Summer Show).  Children/grandchildren (aged under 16) of existing paid-up members count as members for the purposes of these regulations.

2. Not more than one entry per household in any flower, vegetable or fruit section will be accepted.

3. All exhibits in the Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables Sections must have been grown by the exhibitor.   Pot plants should have been in the possession of the exhibitor for at least three months before the Show.

4. All entries must be in the hands of the Show Secretary in writing, by email or by telephone by 6pm on the Thursday before the Show. 

5. No entries will be accepted after this date.

6. Exhibitors must provide their own vases, plates, etc.   The Committee cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage.   Where plates are specified in the schedule they must be used.   Plain white plates are preferable to coloured/decorated ones, be they china or paper plates.

7. All exhibits must be staged between the times stated on the relevant Show Schedule, after which the hall will be cleared for judging.

8. Class cards will be provided on the day of the Show.

9. The decisions of the judges shall be final.

10. The committee reserves the right to inspect any exhibitor’s garden.

11. No exhibit may be removed before the closing time of the Show.

12. All cups and trophies won at the equivalent Show in the previous year must be returned to the Show Secretary one week before the following year’s Show takes place.

13. The Committee shall have the power to decide on any matter not covered by the above regulations.

Would exhibitors please name the varieties applicable to their entries,

 for the benefit of fellow members and visitors alike.

Thank you.

We welcome new members to try their hand at exhibiting.   

There are Open Classes for novices and non-members in the Summer Show


Class 2 – Trumpet as long as or longer than the petals
Class 3 – Cup more than one third but less than equal to the length of the petals
Class 4 – Cup not more than one third of the length of the petals

Hints for Showing (Advisory not regulation)

  • Read the Schedule carefully.  If it specifies a number, size or weight for the entry and you do not follow the instruction your entry will be disqualified. (Your card will be marked N.A.S., that is Not As Scheduled).
  • Make sure that you have entered the correct class.
  • In most classes the staging of the exhibit will be considered; if two equally good items are exhibited, the one which is more attractively displayed may take the prize.
  • Where the schedule asks for several items in a class, try to match them in size. For example 4 matched size medium potatoes are usually better than 3 large and 1 small. Also, all items should be of the same cultivar (unless otherwise specified).
  • Leave horticultural entries as natural as possible. Do not polish fruit. Leave stems on fruit. Wash and trim roots on onions, leeks etc. but do not remove. Trim root-vegetable stems to a few cms. Pull rhubarb, do not cut base, trim leaves to a few cms diameter.
  • Be careful not to exceed maximum size, if it is stated, or you will be disqualified.
  • Display shallots in a saucer of sand or similar, onions on a supporting ring.
  • Where possible, label horticultural exhibits (variety of flower, type of herb etc.).
  • Choose vases to suit flowers, if possible flower should stand approx. 1½ times height of vase.
  • Judges prefer roses before they are full-blown.
  • Sweet peas should have straight stems and, if possible, 4 blooms, all open (showing colour).
  • Flowers usually are displayed with some of their own foliage.
  • In exhibiting flowers and in Floral Art all living material must be in water or wet floral foam.
  • In Floral Art, an exhibit may have accessories, however an arrangement should not.
  • Take a rule and measure your floral art to ensure you fit within the stated measurements.
  • Try not to let ‘mechanics’ be visible in flower arrangements.   If in doubt, ask one of the committee for advice.
  • If in doubt when staging at a show, ask one of the committee for advice.
  • Allow plenty of time to stage your entries.
  • The judge must go by the schedule. If your exhibit does not comply the judge will disqualify it.

Cookery and Handicraft Classes

  • Judges will consider taste, texture and overall appearance.
  • Staging can be important in cookery and handicrafts. Make sure preserve jars and wine bottles are not smeared, place cakes on a china plate with a doily, etc.
  • If you cover cookery with cling film, it should be easily removable for judging.
  • The judge will examine handicrafts closely for finishing details.
  • Use clear jars with no trademarks and always use a NEW lid for showing.
  • Jars must be clean.  Polish the outside with a cloth to remove marks.
  • For jams and jellies, use a wax disc, cut, if necessary, to fit the jar, plus a cellophane top or a NEW twist top without a wax disc. Covers must be a good fit.
  • For jams and jellies, fill the jar to the brim to allow for shrinkage.
  • For chutneys and vinegar preserves, use NEW plastic lined twist top lids.   Cellophane tops and wax discs must not be used.
  • For curds, a wax disc and cellophane cover must be used to allow the curd to breathe, as the temperature is not high enough to seal a plastic lid.
  • Labels should be near the bottom of the jar and clearly state the contents and date made.  Do not stick decorative covers on lids for showing.

Preserving Hints and Tips

  • Always use good quality fresh or frozen fruit.
  • Use a large, heavy-based saucepan or preserving pan.
  • Ensure the sugar has completely dissolved before boiling.
  • Adding a knob of butter reduces the amount of froth.
  • Start timing as soon as a full rolling boil is reached.
  • Always dry freshly washed jars in a warm oven.
  • Always pour hot jam into warm jars.
  • Add herbs to jellies after boiling.  Allow the jelly to stand for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.   Make sure the herbs are evenly distributed throughout the jelly and no longer float on the surface, before potting.
  • Store preserves in a cool dark place.