Summer Show 2025

Summer Show 2025


Saturday 16th August 2025

Viewing 2.30 – 3.45 pm


Turn into St Mark’s Lane by the “Sussex Barn” pub

Staging of exhibits (open to exhibitors only) 10.30 – 11.45 am

The cups will be presented at 3.45 pm followed by the raffle




A collection will be taken at the door to help defray expenses

Donations for the raffle would be appreciated in advance of the show,

whilst plants and seedlings for sale on the plant stall should be brought

along on the day


Betty Santer Shield Winner of the Chairman’s Competition

Festival Cup Most points in classes 4-24 (flowers/foliage, except roses)

Shelley Cup Best exhibit in classes 10-14 (sweet pea/dahlia)

Rose Bowl Best exhibit in classes 1-3 (roses)

Nora Poole Cup Best exhibit in classes 4-9 & 15-24 (flowers, except roses,

sweet peas or dahlias)

Founders Salver Most points in classes 25-44 (vegetables)

Arun Cup Most points in classes 47-52 (fruit)

Garden News Shield Best exhibit in classes 25-44 & 47-52 (vegetables or fruit)

Presidents Cup Most points in classes 1-44 & 47-52 (flowers, vegetables

& fruit)

Ron Mitchell Cup Best exhibit in classes 1-44 & 47-52 (flowers, vegetables

or fruit)

Layton Cup Most points in classes 53-60 (domestic)

Handicrafts Trophy Best exhibit in classes 61-64

Floral Cup Most points across both shows for floral art

Padwick Floral Bowl Most points in show

RHS Banksian Medal Awarded by the RHS to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in the horticultural classes.

RHS rules render the winner of the Banksian Medal

ineligible for the award in the following two years.

Summer Show 2025 – Schedule of Classes

Unless otherwise stated, 3 points awarded for a 1st prize, 2 for a 2nd and 1 for a 3rd



  1. One specimen rose
  2. One stem of cluster-flowered roses
  3. One vase of three roses of any other type
  4. One vase of three stems of hydrangeas
  5. One vase of any other hardy shrub, other than rose or hydrangea, one variety, foliage, fruit or flower
  6. One flowering plant in a pot, maximum 28cm in diameter
  7. One foliage plant in a pot, maximum 28cm in diameter
  8. Three clematis florets, one or more varieties, displayed in a saucer of sand, no foliage
  9. Three stems of sunflowers
  10. A jug of sweet peas, one or more varieties
  11. One specimen dahlia bloom
  12. A vase of three pompom dahlias
  13. A vase of three stems of dahlias (excluding pompoms), must be all of the same type (e.g. cactus, decorative etc)
  14. A vase of five stems of mixed dahlias
  15. One vase of three blooms of zonal pelargoniums (geraniums)
  16. One vase of five blooms of marigolds, any variety.  No buds
  17. One spike of gladiolus
  18. Three spikes of gladioli
  19. Three hosta leaves
  20. Six fuchsia blooms, any variety or varieties, displayed in a saucer of sand
  21. A vase of five stems of annual or biennial flowers not specified elsewhere in this schedule, one or more varieties
  22. A ‘petite’ arrangement of flowers, size not more than 25cm overall
  23. One vase of five stems of perennial flowers not specified elsewhere in this schedule, one or more varieties
  24. One vase of mixed flowers, judged for quality, variety and all-round effect.  Table area allowed 60cm x 60cm.  Double points


  1. Three white potatoes
  2. Three coloured potatoes
  3. Three onions, not exceeding 250g each
  4. Three onions, exceeding 250g each
  5. Six shallots
  6. Six French beans, with stalks attached
  7. Six runner beans, with stalks attached
  8. Two sweet peppers
  9. Six chilli peppers
  10. Three courgettes
  11. Two marrows
  12. Three beetroots, cut leaves to 5 – 7.5cm long
  13. Three carrots, cut leaves to 5 – 7.5cm long
  14. Two cucumbers
  15. Six tomatoes, small fruiting not exceeding 35mm in diameter, with calyxes attached
  16. Three tomatoes, any one variety other than small fruiting, with calyxes attached
  17. A complete truss of tomatoes – ideally at least a third ripe fruit
  18. A collection of three culinary herbs, foliage predominate, named in vases*
  19. Three vegetables of one kind not listed above
  20. A collection of three kinds of vegetables, quantities as in classes 25-42, or any other vegetable, e.g. one cauliflower, one celery, two sweetcorn.

(Double points).  Important: See note re points values of vegetables

OPEN CLASS – Have a go!

Open to members who have never won a first prize in this Society’s shows,

or non-members

  1. Vegetables: One each of three different kinds of vegetable
  2. Flowers:  A mixed vase of flowers containing at least three different types


  1. A plate of 12 raspberries, with stalks attached
  2. A plate of 12 blackberries, with stalks attached
  3. A plate of black, red or white currants, six strigs (i.e. bunches)
  4. A plate of three stone fruit
  5. Three apples, dessert or cooking, stalks attached
  6. A plate of any other fruit


Classes 53-57 must be covered with cling film or a plastic lid.  See also Hints and Tips.

  1. Victoria Sandwich Cake – just raspberry jam filling – own recipe
  2. Six Gingernut Biscuits – see recipe
  3. Sultana Cider Loaf – see recipe
  4. Six Rock Cakes- own recipe
  5. Six Cheese Scones – own recipe
  6. A jar of jam.  The label must state type and the date it was made
  7. A jar of lemon curd.  The label must state the date it was made.  Use a waxed disc and cellophane cover
  8. A bottle of homemade alcoholic drink


  1. A hand-made greetings card
  2. A painting or drawing
  3. Newly sewn, knitted or crocheted item


    64 ‘Summer in a cottage garden’.  A hand-tied bunch displayed in a transparent container.  The materials used do not have to have been grown by the exhibitor.  Table area allowed 60cm x 60cm, height at exhibitor’s discretion


Please e-mail details of class numbers to

by 6pm on Thursday, 14th August 2025 -preferred.

All entries must be received by the same date and time. No entries will be accepted on the day of the show.

I intend exhibiting in the following class numbers:




Name of exhibitor:   ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Tel. No.   …….………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E-mail address: …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please provide details of classes entered by a second exhibitor (if any) in your household below:

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Classes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Ginger Nut Biscuits

100g self-raising flour

1 level tsp bicarbonate of soda

2 tsp ground ginger

40g caster sugar

50g unsalted butter, melted

2 tbsp golden syrup

Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan 170°C, gas mark 5

Line 2 large baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda and ginger into a bowl, then stir in the sugar.

Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the melted butter and the syrup. Stir until the mixture comes together to form a soft dough.

Divide the dough into 16 pieces. Roll each portion into a ball and place well apart on the baking trays, then flatten slightly.

Bake for 12-14 mins until golden and cracked on top. Leave to firm up on the trays for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Sultana Cider Loaf

225g sultanas

120g butter or soft margarine

450g self-raising flour

1 large beaten egg

225ml cider

225g sugar

Grease and line a 1kg loaf tin.

Put the sultanas, butter, cider and sugar in a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil, making sure the sugar has dissolved. Leave to cool.

Add the flour and egg, beat until smooth.

Put into prepared tin and bake at 160°C, fan 140°C /gas mark 3 for 75 minutes or until cooked.

Points value of vegetables in Class 44:

Points are awarded according to the difficulty in producing perfect specimens.

Hence a maximum of 20 points may be awarded for cauliflowers, long carrots, leeks,

onions over 255g weight, celery, peas and potatoes, with a maximum of 18 points for

runner beans, shorter carrots, medium tomatoes, sweet corn and greenhouse

grown cucumbers, and 15 points for globe beetroot, cabbages, lettuces, marrows

and smaller onions.  Small tomatoes are only worth up to 12 points.  It is therefore

in the exhibitor’s interest to try and show as many 20-pointers as he / she can.

[This list is not exhaustive, so please ask the Show Secretary if you need further advice

as to the points value or quantities to exhibit of other vegetables.]