Warnham Nature reserve visit 21st June Evening Visit. Details

We hope you will be able to join us at our evening visit this Tuesday to Warnham Local Nature Reserve.  Jake Everitt, the Head Countryside Ranger, will give us a guided tour of the Reserve and tell us a bit about the new Discovery Hub, with its amazing views over the lake.

We are a hardy bunch, and so if it is drizzling the visit will still go ahead, but please bring your waterproofs and sturdy footwear.

The café is run by the Friends group, and as they will have clocked off for the evening the refreshments will be provided by some of our members.  We hope the offer of home-made cake will tempt you!  Please bring a cup with you for a drink, which can be left in the café area while we have our tour.

We look forward to seeing you with a start time of 6.00pm.




The entrance garden
recently planted entrance garden
Insect Hotel
Information board


Lakeside stone sculpture



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